Top 10 Online Auction Websites

Auction websites are just like real life auction sales. They put up the product for purchase and buyers bid to take the deal through. The advantage of these auction websites is that they offer a common platform for those who want to sell and those who want to buy – on a virtual platform without the need for logistic expenses or travel expense. You can sit at your home and buy what you like! Here are some of the top auction sites:

1. eBay

When it comes to online auctions and buying and selling – eBay is the Leader. eBay leads the industry having been established back in 1995. With planning and strategic leadership, eBay – the auction company has expanded across the web and worldwide.

eBay is a multi-billion dollar company and almost synonymous to online auctions. They’re operating business from various coutries. Other leading sites includes,,, and many other.

2. iOffer

As you enter the site, it clearly demarks sections “buy, sell want ads and help”; this is one website for people. The site has gained in popularity because of its human touch. However, the only drawback is that the bidders and buyers can make their investments, iOffer does not warranty anything.

3. ETSY A very urban, up market website which focuses on selling classy items. The specialty remains on craft articles that are the highlight but bidders and buyers have the option to explore a diverse set of products.

4. Bonanza

The site offers much more than just bidding; it offers what is exclusive. One of the popular sites on the online shopping radar; their prices are similar to eBay but they have a more diverse range and not a very lengthy registration process making it a straight to conversions zone.

5. Bidz

Bidz is unique. It has the automatic timer set on the website ticking away the current price bid – you have to jump into the sale to make your purchase. bidZ sells its products on the go and is one of the popular sites.

6. UBId

Ubid, like the others, offers a great range of products and categories. However, its winning point is that it focuses on registered users. It has its goals set on scam free and high security selling and buying. uBid lays emphasis on trust.

7. AuctionZip

AuctionZIp has its webcast actions allowing you to bid online. It enjoys popularity across the web giving you the option to make your bid anytime you wish, as long as the product is not sold. Current price and number of bids are featured.

8. eBId

eBid offers a great platform for the bidding experience. The marketplace is well in demand with a good traffic and transactions on the site. It offers all the services and interesting offers for memberships. A onetime payment and premium features can be availed or heavy discounts on first day registrations.

9. QuickSales is a Melbourne, Australia based online auction site. The site is online since 2005 and earlier known as The site claim to have more than 500000 members and more than a million products listed at anytime. Sellers can create QShops or list their products for auction.


This online auction website was founded in 2006. Sellers can make 100% profit here without paying any success fees and even create auction stores without any limitations on item number limitations. The site is ad supported. Buyers can sort auctions geographically or by categories.

Over and above, all of these sites have made buying and selling and easy and enriching experience. All you need is your bank account and online transaction details to make any of these deals possible and ideal space for those interested in getting the best for their money!

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