Wall Clocks For Living Room – Best Options

A beautifully crafted wall clock is one of the most eye-catching pieces in a well-built living room. However, apart from being decorative, wall clocks must also be practical. If you’re a new buyer or are looking to explore the variety available, it is helpful to know the types of wall clocks available in the market.

Types of Wall Clocks 

  • AnalogAnalog wall clocks are classical wall clocks found in most Indian households. These clocks display numbers in a clockwise direction from 1 through 12, and time is understood through the placement of the three hands present on the clock.
  • DigitalDigital wall clocks are modern clocks that display numbers, either in a 24-hour format or 12-hour format. These clocks are comparatively easier to read and understand.

Styles of Wall Clocks

  • Circular: The circular wall clock blends tradition with functionality. Look for one with little detailing and a simple black and white color palette.
  • MinimalisticWhen buying such clocks, the key is to look for minimalistic designs, simple frames, and bold numbers.
  • Vintage: This type of clock adds a unique charm to one’s house. While shopping for such clocks, look for ones crafted with either dark hues or gentle colors.
  • Metallic: Metallic wall clocks make for a luxurious piece in any living room. Go for ones designed with golden or silver metallic frames and hands, detailed with roman numbers.

Assuming you would like tips for hanging a wall clock in your living room:

  • First, take into account the amount of available wall space. You’ll want to make sure the clock is proportionate to the room and doesn’t look too small or too large.
  • Consider where you want the clock to be hung. Traditionally, clocks are placed at eye level so that they are easily visible. However, this may not be possible or desired in every instance. Perhaps you want the clock to be a focal point in the room, in which case hanging it higher up on the wall would achieve that effect.
  • Think about what kind of atmosphere you want to create in your living room. If you’re going for a more modern look, a digital clock might be a better option than an analog one.
  • Finally, make sure you have the proper tools and supplies to hang the clock safely and securely. This includes a level (to ensure the clock is straight), appropriate nails or screws (depending on the type of wall you have), and possibly a drill (if you’re working with hard walls). With the right tools and a little bit of planning, you can successfully hang a clock in your living room and create the look you desire.

Materials for Wall Clocks

Wall clocks are primarily designed using either one of the three materials: plastic, wooden, or metal. Depending upon the aesthetic of your house, the length of durability you’re looking for, and the pricing, choices may vary. Wooden ones look elegant but are often pricey when needed for long-term use. Plastic clocks are inexpensive but not as durable. Metal clocks are highly preferred as they are the most durable and cost-friendly.


Can I put a wall clock in the living room?

Indeed you can! A wall clock is a great addition to any living room, and can provide both functionality and style. When choosing a wall clock for your living room, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider the overall design of the room and what kind of clock would complement it. Second, think about where you want to hang the clock and how big or small it should be. And finally, make sure to choose a clock that ticking sound won’t bother you or your guests! With these considerations in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect wall clock for your living room.

A wall clock in the living room doesn’t only fill up the wall space but also tends to be helpful when needing a quick glance at the time during busy mornings.

Where should the clock be placed in a living room?

The placement of a wall clock in the living room must be on the north wall as this direction signifies wealth. Other alternatives for this include the east, north-east and west directions. There are a few general tips that may help you choose the best spot for your clock in your living room.

Try to place the clock at eye level so that it’s easy to read without having to strain your neck. A good spot might be on a mantlepiece or shelf near where you typically sit or stand. You’ll also want to make sure the clock is in a location where it won’t get knocked over easily.

Another thing to consider is how visible you want the clock to be. If you want it as more of a decorative element, then placing it on a wall near some artwork or photo frames might be a good option. But if you want it to be more functional, then putting it in a spot where it’s easily seen from across the room might be better.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide where you want your clock to go. Just make sure it’s somewhere convenient and visible so that you can always keep track of time!

Which size wall clock is best?

A wall clock’s size depends upon the size of the space where it will be hung. However, as a primary rule, wall clocks six to eighteen inches in width are considered the best.

Some people might prefer a smaller wall clock that doesn’t take up too much space, while others might prefer a larger wall clock that is easier to see from a distance.

Some factors to consider when choosing a wall clock include the size of the room, the color and style of the clock, and whether or not you want a battery-operated or electric clock. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to decide which size wall clock is best for them.

Which clock looks like a classic clock?

Analog clocks look like classical clocks, which have simple designs and present time in either Arabic or Roman numbers. They are the most common in various households.

Are wall clocks out of style in 2022?

Although not entirely out of style, the application of wall clocks has taken modern trends in 2022, including more eye-appealing wall clocks in the form of pendulums and chiming wall clocks.

Timekeeping is a very personal thing, and what may be out of style for one person may be perfectly in vogue for another. Certainly, traditional wall clocks are not as popular as they once were, but that doesn’t mean that they’re out of style altogether. In fact, there are many people who still prefer the classic look and feel of a wall clock.

There are also a number of other factors to consider when it comes to predicting the popularity of wall clocks in 2022. For example, the continued rise of digital devices means that more and more people are getting used to seeing the time on a screen rather than on a physical clock. However, there’s also something to be said for the analogue aesthetic – some people simply prefer the look of a traditional clock face.

It’s impossible to say for certain what the future holds for wall clocks, but it’s safe to say that they’ll continue to be popular with a wide range of people. Whether you’re looking for a classic or contemporary design, there’s sure to be a wall clock that suits your taste.